Asking for Help at Work

Asking for Help at Work

At some point in people’s careers, the word “help” can become a bad word. There is an idea that asking for help is a sign of weakness and failure, especially when the individual is in a leadership role. But what many in this position forget is that there is value in...
5 Tips to Effective Communication

5 Tips to Effective Communication

One of the key components of being a great leader is the ability to communicate effectively. If there is a lack of communication, tension will begin to arise in the workplace. Avoid this tension by implementing these 5 tips to effective communication: 1. Be Honest If...
The Do’s and Don’ts of the Feedback Sandwich

The Do’s and Don’ts of the Feedback Sandwich

Let’s face it, no one likes having to be the “bearer of bad news” or the one to deliver constructive criticism. This is, however, a mission that we will all inevitably be tasked with at some point in our lives, at least to some capacity. There are different opinions...
Things Employees Want to Hear from their Boss

Things Employees Want to Hear from their Boss

Employees want to be valued. It’s human nature to want to be recognized and respected for the job that is being done. In the stress and chaos of everyday business, bosses often miss opportunities to build a relationship with their employees, which in turn can hinder...
Building Your Self-Confidence

Building Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is something we learn to build up because the challenging world of business, and life in general, can deflate it. Even the greatest leaders’ self-confidence falters at times. It’s not something that people are born with. Confidence is a mindset that...